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About us

Our farm is a family organic farm on the area of 58.76 ha. For many years, family members have specialized in the production of organic food. The farm is certified by the AGRO BIO TEST certification body.
Organic farm plant production
The location of the farm

Organic farm with plant production. Bearing in mind the properties of the soil and the good of plants, the crop rotation uses legume crops in the form of undersowns and mixtures of grasses with legumes. Agricultural crops include: winter rye, oats, winter wheat, yellow lupine, mixtures of grasses, clover and alfalfa for haylage, winter barley with undersown grass. In plant production, a 4-year crop rotation is used, taking into account undersowns, catch crops and catch crops in the form of protein crops; seradela, clover and alfalfa. Most agricultural crops are grown for fodder or sale.

Fertilization on the farm is based on natural animal fertilizer, as well as undersown crops, catch crops and catch crops that constitute green fertilizer and a source of nitrogen at the same time.
In the fight against plant diseases or pests, the farm owner uses plant protection products from the list of agents approved for use in organic farming. Weeds in agricultural crops are removed mechanically using specialized agricultural equipment. The cultivation of agricultural plants is carried out on the farm based on a biodynamic calendar.


The farm is located in the Kamienski poviat in Darzowice in the Wolin commune, in the immediate vicinity of the Dziwna River, an area included in Natura 2000, with a large number of meadows and pastures constituting the food base for animals.

9th grade apprenticeship waldorfschule Überlingen.

From 5 to 8 October 2008, a meeting of the Demeter Interational board was held in Poland, in Wolin, Darzowice. The talks focused mainly on the development of biodynamic agriculture in Europe, especially in Poland. The entire management board was present on our part. The talks were held in a relaxed atmosphere, examples were quoted from all over the world - how this agriculture developed in other countries. The way was paved for Demeter Polska to become a full member of Demeter International. This path will not be short, but with the cooperation of the Association together with you - the farmers who are the core of our organization - it will be possible. Group of members of the Management Board of Demeter Internationale - in Poland:

Susanna Küffer-Heerze from Switzerland (treasurer)
Lapo Cianferoni from Italy,
Christoph Simpfendorfer,
Ian Hendersen

Gość w naszej Agroturystyce co przyjechał ciągnikiem rolniczym.
Lipiec 2021

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Braliśmy udział w konkursie 
"Zielone Lato 2021"

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